As a resource center and consultant for nonprofits, CGRC coordinates and manages
the turnkey Charitable Gift Annuity Solutions Program.
Something for Everyone
Whether you already have an established CGA program or you are a nonprofit thinking about dipping your toe into the planned giving arena, this NO-FEE, NO-CONTRACT program is for you!
Work with Donors Anywhere in the US
This very valuable tool helps level the playing field among nonprofits so that charities of any size can now offer CGAs to their donors regardless of wehre they live in the United States!
Leading Edge Know-How
We are on the leading edge of Charitable Gift Annuity research and now offer practical solutions for challenges faced by today’s non-profit organizations. Our program is dedicated to serving nonprofits of all sizes and in all phases of planned giving.
The CGA Solutions program offers a turnkey tool in accordance with the American Council on Gift Annuities standards. It provides the necessary forms, templates, marketing materials, articles for publication, and PowerPoint presentations to help educate donors and communities. This program also offers a Public Foundation that will “house” CGAs, full administration and tax reporting as well as full-service investments and management of the funds and ongoing CGA Pool updates.
Check This Out!
We also have a great YouTube video explaining how many gift plans work. Some gifting options can begin now or in the future.
(CGRC YouTube Teaching Video 57 min.)